Apartamento do Morro
HAS Hinterland Architecture Studio
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Project name: Apartamento do Morro

Office: HAS – Hinterland Architecture Studio
Architects: Filipa Figueira, Tiago Vieira
Website: www.hinterland-as.com
E-mail: info@hinterland-as.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hinterland.architecture.studio
Instagram: www.instagram.com/hinterland.as
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/hinterlandas
Twitter: www.twitter.com/HasStudio

Location: Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Conclusion year: 2019
Build Area (m2): 60m2
Client: Privado

Photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio
Website from the photographer: www.ivotavares.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ivotavaresstudio
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ivotavaresstudio
Videografo: Building Pictures
Website do videografo: http://buildingpictures.pt

List of Manufacturers:
Brand Product
Cinca NovaArquitectura & arquitectos M15x15cm
Cinca NovaArquitectura & arquitectos M10x20cm
Cinca Mosaico Porcelânico 2,5x2,5cm
Sanindusa Urb.y Sanindusa Sanlife
Bruma Lusitano
Bruma Basil
Valchromat Preto
Valchromat Amarelo
Valchromat Verde Menta
Berker R.classic
Grupo sosoares Sistema JE
Grupo sosoares Sistema LT

The small apartment, with only 60sqm is part of a 60’s affordable rent building. The original house is divided into minimum spaces, articulated by the entrance hall and a small corridor. The aim of the project was to maximize the living space of the house, stripping the space to the bare minimum and reorganizing the plan.

During the first demolitions it was clear that there would be constrains with the old building infrastructures and it would be impossible to change the kitchen and bathroom location. With budget constraints the strategy was to demolish the unnecessary partition walls, change the old damaged windows and apply thermal and
sound insulation to the exterior walls.

The new plan keeps the original bedrooms and bathroom location while the entrance hall, kitchen, living room and sunroom are merged to a single space, providing sunlight to the whole apartment.
Since the first site visit we knew the existing floor would be an important visual element, it was recovered and completed while the walls and ceiling were painted in full white. The woodwork is designed as new contemporary elements, built in coloured
wood fibre panels and applied as ready-made objects in the existing space.

Planta Existente

Planta Propuesta

Fotografía: Ivo Tavares Studio

Video: Bulding Pictures, https://www.buildingpictures.com

web HAS – Hinterland Architecture Studio: 

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