House MM
Sergio Miguel Godinho
Odivelas, Portugal

Project nameHouse MM

OfficeSérgio Miguel Godinho Architect
Architects: Sérgio Miguel Godinho Architect
Location: Odivelas, Portugal
Conclusion year: 2018
Build Area (m2): 180m2
Client: Privado

Architects: Sérgio Miguel Godinho Architect

Photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio
Website from the

A white volume with its oblique outer boundaries defines the openings of the dwelling on both floors, and where in one corner of the house a glazing is directed towards a privileged view.

The floors of the housing are evidenced in the different elevations through plans that demarcate the two levels of the housing, the communication between floors is made through a black chromatic ladder, integrated in the social zone of housing, marking an imposing presence in the space.

Shadows draw obliquity of different quadrants of white chromatic housing.

Photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio


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