Lexus Faro
Rarcon Architects
Faro, Portugal

Project name: Lexus Faro

Office: Rarcon
Architects: João Ramos

Location: Faro
Conclusion year: 2019
Build Area (m2): 238.80 m2
Client: Caetano Auto

Photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio
Website from the photographer:

List of Manufacturers:
1. Equitone – cobertura e fachadas exteriores revestidas painel Equitone Naturocimento;
2. Margrés - pisos interiores a grés porcelânico Love Tiles Fusion 15x75cm beje;
4. Pavigrés - 59,7x59,7cm Uni Preto PG 471RT mate/polido retificado
3. Cortizo – vãos exteriores, com caixilharia de alumínio bi-lacado a RAL 9005 exterior e RAL 9010 interior, Sistema TPV52

From a pre-existing metallic structure and the redesign of a commercial area, an idea has been developed to create an iconic piece that asserts itself as a protagonist in the surroundings.

The challenge was to understand how the building could be shaped to stand out clearly in the middle of several large scale commercial buildings.

The existing structure had a very particular shape and to accommodate the technical needs required by the program, such as an exhibition area, office, lounge and a higher technical floor, there was a need to adapt the slopes to include the program and for drainage control of rainwater.

The geometries were deliberately creased with the intention of standing out and attracting the customer intuitively into the space.

These geometries are introduced using an autonomous substructure as a skin that clings to pre-existence and thus allowed a freer design of the object.

In the interior of the building we realize that the relationship with the exterior is direct and there is a dialogue with the language design for the casing. Thus, the interior is shaped by
the pre-existing metal structure, making it characteristic by the angles and twists that compose it.

The building works as a whole, with a strong morphological identity that is related to the brands identity, where the chromatic part and the form is predominant in the space.

Photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio


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