Occidentului 40
ADN Birou de Arhitectura
Bucharest, Romania

Year completed: 2017 (Year began 2015)

Studios: ADN Birou de Arhitectura

Authors: Adrian Untaru, Andrei Șerbescu, Bogdan Brădățeanu, Valentina Țigâră, Albu Pavel
Collaborators_Project management: Raluca Raescu

Program: Collective housing
Labels: Compact
Total area: 561 m2
Usable floor area: 2765,6 m2
Client: sc Dezvoltare Urbana srl
Client Type: private
Map_LatLng: (44.4472, 26.086147900000014)

Photographers: ©Cosmin Dragomir, ©Andrei Mărgulescu, ©Laurian Ghinițoiu

Occidentului Street is a typical street for the central area of Bucharest, with isolated villas in the middle of the yard, wagon-houses, buildings from the interwar period and insertions from the ‘60s and ‘70s. The gerenal volume is decomposed through several movements and set-backs into a row of smaller houses with different heights that sequence the perception of the building and nuances the relationship to the neighbouring houses and the fragmentary surroundings.

The intervention proposes a community of 20 apartments and a commercial unit on the wide but relatively shallow plot. All units are transversal / double oriented and organized on split-levels. Instead of typical stacked general floors, here the floors and ceilings move and generate a series of staggered floors, level differences and variations in height and depth – lending the apartments something of the vertical dimension of dwelling.
The open facades reflect the varied interior life of the building and seeks a certain kind of ‘transparency’; the apartment arrangement both defines and is defined by the structural order of the building and clearly reveals itself outwards.

Photographers: ©Cosmin Dragomir, ©Andrei Mărgulescu, ©Laurian Ghinițoiu

web adn Birou de Arhitectura: http://www.adnba.ro/

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